Address Staffing Challenges Head-On With This PM Consulting Solution

March 8, 2024 | by Carrie Capili

Project Management as a Service (PMaaS) presents an innovative approach to tackle the intricate staffing challenges in project management, providing a suite of services designed to streamline and enhance your hiring process.

You’ve just greenlit a new EPR system implementation. 

Now, you need to make it happen. 

The weight of ensuring the implementation goes smoothly and efficiently falls squarely on your shoulders, and you know you need more project management support to make it happen.

Staffing Challenges in Project Management

Navigating the complexities of project management, especially for high-stakes initiatives, presents a unique set of staffing challenges that can hinder a company’s ability to execute projects effectively. 

Addressing these challenges head-on requires a nuanced understanding and strategic solutions.

  • Specialized Skill Requirements: High-stakes projects often require niche skills and expertise that may not be present within the existing workforce, necessitating the search for highly specialized talent.
  • Rapid Team Scalability: The ability to quickly scale project teams up or down based on project phase and requirements is critical, yet difficult to manage efficiently with traditional staffing models.
  • Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics: Ensuring new hires not only possess the technical skills, but also fit well with the company culture and existing team dynamics is crucial for project success, but is challenging to ascertain in short hiring cycles.
  • Project Duration and Commitment: Finding professionals willing to commit to the project duration, which may be temporary or project-based, poses its own set of challenges, especially in competitive job markets.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Balancing the need for top-tier talent with budget constraints requires innovative staffing solutions to ensure cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality.

These challenges underscore the need for a flexible, responsive approach to staffing in project management, capable of addressing the dynamic needs of high-stakes projects.

What You Need:

Vetted Candidates

For high-stakes projects like large system implementations, having a team of thoroughly vetted candidates is crucial. 

These individuals must possess not only the technical skills required, but also the ability to adapt and thrive in challenging project environments.

Streamlined Interviews

You need an interview process that quickly identifies candidates’ problem-solving skills, adaptability, and experience with relevant technologies. 

Simplified Onboarding

Effective onboarding for project managers should include a comprehensive introduction to the project’s scope, key stakeholders, and specific technologies used. 

Quick access to necessary tools and resources from day one is crucial for maintaining project timelines.

Reduced Benefit Costs

For temporary or contract-based roles, consider structures like project-based incentives instead of traditional benefits packages. 

This approach can offer financial savings while still attracting top talent.


Implementing a clear framework for accountability, such as regular check-ins, project milestones, and performance metrics, helps ensure that project managers are aligned with the project’s goals and can be held responsible for its success.


The Solution to Your Staffing Challenges:

Project Management as a Service (PMaaS)

Project Management as a Service (PMaaS) presents an innovative approach to tackle the intricate staffing challenges in project management, providing a suite of services designed to streamline and enhance your hiring process.

  • Expert Talent Pool: PMaaS grants immediate access to a diverse reservoir of project management professionals, each rigorously vetted for their specific expertise and industry experience, ensuring a perfect match for your project’s unique needs.

  • Efficient Candidate Selection: The service includes a refined selection process that employs advanced matching algorithms and expert evaluations to expedite the discovery of ideal candidates, significantly cutting down the time from search to hire.
  • Rapid Deployment: PMaaS simplifies the deployment of project management professionals into your team, utilizing streamlined procedures that ensure quick integration and immediate contribution to the project’s objectives.
  • Flexible Cost Management: With PMaaS, you benefit from a cost-effective staffing solution that aligns with project budgets, offering scalable options that adapt to the project’s lifecycle without the burden of traditional employment costs.
  • Enhanced Project Alignment: PMaaS ensures that every project manager is not just a fit for the role, but also aligned with the project’s strategic vision through continuous performance monitoring and alignment activities.

Adopting PMaaS allows organizations to navigate the complexities of staffing for high-stakes project management with confidence, ensuring access to top-tier talent while optimizing operational efficiencies and project outcomes.

Staffing for a Major System Implementation With PMaaS

A technology company embarks on a critical mission to overhaul its legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system with a state-of-the-art platform. 

This vast undertaking requires specific expertise in both the technical aspects of CRM systems and the strategic management of large-scale IT projects. 

Through a PMaaS provider, the company quickly secures a project manager with a proven track record in successful CRM implementations. 

The project manager, selected from a pool of pre-vetted candidates, is a perfect match for the company’s needs, ensuring a seamless transition to the new system.

About the Author

Carrie Capili

Carrie Capili leads the marketing, communications, and public relations initiatives for PM Solutions and PM College. Notable accomplishments include managing the development of innovative thought leadership pieces such as primary research reports, books, white papers, and case studies that help educate the market on project management trends and best practices and articulate the value proposition of the company’s services in substantive ways.

You can reach Carrie at

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