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New CIO: “Let’s Change Everything, Fast.” First Horizon’s PMO Says, “Can Do!”

November 11, 2012 | by Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin

The financial services sector has seen more than its share of disruptive change. Since 2008, many financial services IT divisions have tried to shrink expenses and wait out the storm. But at First Horizon, second runner-up in this year's PMO of the Year Award competition, the arrival of a CIO with a very different vision...

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First Runner-Up (Again) VSP "Sees" the Way Clear

November 8, 2012 | by Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin

There are some companies that apply several times for the PMO of the Year Award without ever making it to semifinalist status. The competition is steep, and the pool of competitors changes from year to year, bringing in each year larger and more noteworthy companies, making it harder to rise through the rounds of judging....

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The PMO as "Financial Advisor" to the Enterprise: A Glimpse into Verizon Wireless' Award-Winning Marketing PMO

November 1, 2012 | by Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin

We had planned to showcase a profile of Verizon Wireless Marketing PMO last Thursday on International Project Management Day, but those plans were ... well, overcome by events. It’s doubtful that anyone on the east coast was reading project management blogs last week, anyway, even if they did have electricity. And the folks at...

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The Change Agent and the Project Manager: A Cautionary Tale

October 26, 2012 | by

Back from the PMI Global Congress in Vancouver, I thought I'd share a couple insights from my session on "Creating a Transformation-Ready Organization." With the prevalence of major organizational change projects (something I've written about on this blog previously), the role of the change agent in managing these large initiatives has never been...

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New PMO Capability Model Spurs Lively Discussion at PMI Global Congress

October 24, 2012 | by J. Kent Crawford

Wow! Thanks to all those who participated in my session Sunday at the PMI Global Congress in Vancouver, BC. We held an informal focus group on the topic of measuring PMO capability (or maturity), where I debuted a model our research division has been working on this year. The model, which we are calling a...

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